Introverts are shrouded in misconceptions so let's just start by dispelling a few.  First off, introverts genuinely enjoy being alone. While they are sometimes perceived as antisocial or boujee, nothing could be further from the truth. To the contrary, they really like people. In fact, they value people so much that they crave genuine connection, real conversation, and sincere relationships. Anything less can feel phony and exhausting. Also, not all introverts are shy. They are fully capable of flourishing in a crowd. Introversion exists on a spectrum, and it is just one of several personality traits that an individual may have.

Wherever you fall on the introverted scale, here are 10 guilty pleasures we probably share:

1. When Plans Get Cancelled

 Photo: Tumblr                                                                   

Live footage of us when we get that, "Sorry, it's been cancelled,"  text.

2. Evading Small Talk

    Photo: Giphy


"I'm fine… and you?" "Yes, the weather is very nice." "Um, hmm…Work is going great." What is happening here? Why must we do this?

3. Dining Alone

   Photo: Facebook/Katrell Hunter


I just want my food and alone time. That's it.

4. Being Fluent In Yeezanese…sometimes

 Photo: Giphy


The creative introvert.

5. Ghosting

     Photo: Giphy


You don't fight, you don't argue. When introverts peep shade, they're most likely to take a mental note and just quietly fall back.

6. Going Solo

Photo: Instagram/@ebony_be_writing


No entourage necessary. Introverts are perfectly content exploring on their own.

7. People Watching

    Photo: Giphy


Introverts enjoy social settings most when they're not compelled to engage.

8. Screening Calls

  Photo: Giphy


Can we just text though? 

9. Having Extroverted Friends

 Photo: Tenor


Introverts don't need to be the center of attention which makes them great companions for those super social friends.

10. Taking Naps

   Photo: Giphy

This is us after a day of non-stop social interaction.

Honestly, Where are the lies?