1. “I know cause I won both of them” …http://iframesrc=https://vine.co/v/OIA0gU0vweV/embed/simplewidth=400height=400frameborder=0/iframescriptsrc=https://platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js/script

2. He’s just trying to live like the rest of us …

3. Plus, he’s about that selfie life…

3. He loves sports…


4. His wife keeps it real…


5. He respects the Kiss Cam…

6. He will bust out the Z-formation snap if necessary…

7. We ALL agree with Michelle…

8. He can laugh at himself…

9. We are all jealous of this moment…

10. He loses his keys sometimes too …

11. He’s got secret handshakes with his people…

12. Like most of the world, he also listens to hip hop…


13. His family gets pretty silly …

14. He knows how to strike a pose… #skinnyarm

15. His boys got his back …


16. It gets real for him too…

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