We stand in solidarity with students at Missouri, Yale and all across the country who are boldly making their unapologetic demands for equity, justice, and an education that does not denigrate our identities, heard across dining halls, classrooms, and campus greens. Below you’ll find a cross section of campuses who are joining together in solidarity, and insights into events transpiring on campuses around the country. Our goal is to share the information relevant to our community, as they stand up and fight for what we have always deserved, but systemically been denied. Connect with each other. Build with each other.
We will win.
– Team Blavity
University of Missouri
Summary/Latest Update: Following the passionate activism of Jonathan Butler and the group Concerned Student 1950, as well as the courageous stand of Mizzou’s football players, University of Missouri’s president Timothy Wolfe resigned earlier this week. Most recently Mike Middleton, former deputy assistant secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education (DEC), was announced as interim president.
Important Tweet/Links:
University of Missouri’s New Interim President
Ithaca College
Summary: Students demand resignation of Ithaca College President for failure to effectively deal with a string of racist incidents on campus this semester. Yesterday (November 11th), approximately 1,000 members of the campus community participated in action including a 25 minute ‘die-in’.
Important Tweets/Links:
http://Over 100 Ithaca College Students Walk Out to Protest Racism
Thousands of students fill the academic quad. pic.twitter.com/A8NvSdPCct
— The Ithacan (@IthacanOnline) November 11, 2015
The @POCatIC_ student group begins to speak. pic.twitter.com/fesHX46L8N
— The Ithacan (@IthacanOnline) November 11, 2015
Howard University
Summary: There was a potential threat made on campus at Howard. President of Howard U released a statement saying campus local and federal law enforcement are investigating the threats made and have increased security.
Important Tweets/Links:
Howard students chanting "throw that love in a circle" as they lock hands. #HUStrong pic.twitter.com/l9Flt0HtOk
— Elsa. (@sadimmigrantkid) November 13, 2015
Emory University
Summary: On November 11th, Emory students gathered on Asbury Circle in light of recent international and national racial incidents before marching to Clifton Road, where they blocked rush hour traffic.
Important Tweets/Links:
Students Protest Racism on Clifton Road
#Beu proud of @EmoryUniversity students standing in solidarity with #FeesMustFall #Mizzou & for change pic.twitter.com/KbgbVmA0fU
— Professor Pamela Scully (@PamelaScully) November 11, 2015
Wesleyan University
Summary: On November 12th, Wesleyan University (Middletown, CT) conducted a campus black-out in support of University of Missouri students. This event happened in the wake of a controversy surrounding free speech on campus. Last month, the student body voted to slash the budget for the campus newspaper by over $15,000 for a lack of diversity and publishing an Op-ed piece critical of the Black Lives Movement.
Important Tweets/Links:
Cafeteria at Wesleyan is completely full and completely silent #InSolidarityWithMizzou pic.twitter.com/mrCr8wItdd
— ding dong alert (@dingdongalert) November 12, 2015
1) Diversity, activism, protest = super good
2) Shutting down, seeking to deny free speech = not good
3) Epidemic: http://t.co/Aog94TQjg2— Maria Chong (@mariachong) October 19, 2015
Campus paper budget yanked in dust-up over ‘Black Lives Matter’ op-ed
Summary: A statement was released Purdue which referred to events in Missouri, but in a rather dismissive way.
Important Tweets/Links:
University of Oregon
Summary: Released a statement addressing concerns arising in light of events at MU.
Important Tweets/Links:
@rgay in contrast, this is the email send by my university's leadership pic.twitter.com/PeICgAwQ5y
— cora (@Cora_Bee) November 12, 2015
Brown University
Summary/Latest Update: Had both a blackout protest where students shared personal statements and experiences followed by a walkout and teach in from Africana graduate students.
Important Tweets/Links:
*Odemi Pessu is the speaker in the video above.
Drake University
Summary: Students on campus staged a demonstration in the middle of Yahoo News’ Digital Democracy conference to raise awareness. They then went to the cafeteria to reach their classmates.
Important Tweets/Links:
#BlackOnCampus Protest during @YahooPolitics #DigitalDemocracy https://t.co/g9b1jFAISB https://t.co/z0Dw2ZR276 via @MorganDeBaun
— Protests Map (@MapProtests) November 12, 2015
University of Pennsylvania
Summary: SOUL (Students Organizing for Unity and Liberation at University of Pennsylvania) organized a demonstration earlier today, inviting other local Philadelphia university students to join. Penn protesters met on the College Green, while other universities joined the group at a location on Drexel University’s campus.
Important Tweets/Links:

Harvard University
Summary: Statement of Solidarity from Black Community Leaders
“As Black students at Harvard College, we are overwhelmed and inspired by the courage, strength, and resilience demonstrated by our peers at the University of Missouri and Yale University. Further, we are moved by the successes of their activism, which include the resignation of Tim Wolfe and Yale’s historic March of Resilience. These steps forward are the results of students employing their bodies and voices, and are reminders of the power we possess as students and citizens of this country. To the faculty, administrators, and others who actively choose to remain silent as students’ lives are threatened across the country, know that your silence and inaction causes harm. Take action.”
Vanderbilt University
Summary: Students at VU gathered to stand in solidarity with black students across the country.
Important Tweets/Links:
Virginia Commonwealth University
Following solidarity protests (11 Nov) Black students took over VCU’s president’s office to demand changes and engaged in an open and frank dialogue with the president about the problems they confront on campus.
VCU students protest in solidarity of students at the University of Missouri #VCU #Mizzou pic.twitter.com/ayjYdEZbAc
— Zach Sizemore (@Z_Sizemore) November 11, 2015
#VCU President Rao had open, frank conversation with protesting student for 2+ hours. https://t.co/ah53gEO39y pic.twitter.com/hrYbU8o8x1
— Times-Dispatch (@RTDNEWS) November 13, 2015
Summary: Resignation of Dean of Students Mary Spellman
“At 12:02 p.m. on Thursday, November 12, Mary Spellman resigned as Dean of Students following calls for her resignation after students of color articulated concerns about the Dean of Students office being unsupportive towards students of marginalized identities, and two students yesterday began hunger strikes calling for her resignation.” (From article below)
Important Tweets/Links:
Mary Spellman Resigns as Dean of Students
"Break the Mold" chant Claremont College students in protest of the Dean of Student. #cmc #ClaremontMcKenna pic.twitter.com/hVGIn3KD2O
— James F. Carbone (@saintcamera) November 12, 2015
Student led protest at the Claremont Colleges today #cmc #breakthemold pic.twitter.com/YQZBmfK7l6
— Ellie McElvain (@elliemce) November 12, 2015
The Pennsylvania State University
Summary: Solidarity / Students and Faculty gather in Solidarity with Mizzou.
A solidarity gathering at Penn State was put on by students in multicultural organizations such as Black Caucus, BLUEprint, and the Black Male Empowerment Group along with the Paul Robeson Cultural Center, who recognize that the issues occurring at Mizzou have also happened at Penn State. As a community, Penn State seeks to fight against those injustices as well as recognize them throughout the nation.
Important Links/Tweets:
Summar: Columbia students held a rally in solidarity with MU and Yale students. Some of those attending the rally shared stories of micro-aggressions — or covert racism — on campus and in the classroom.
Important Tweets:
.@Columbia students hold rally in solidarity of #MissouriState students and students at #Yale. pic.twitter.com/yZw2eWj877
— Maya Earls (@MayaEarls) November 13, 2015
In solidarity with #Mizzou. @Columbia University. #ColumbiaUnite #ConcernedStudent1950 #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/O23aDUXFmk
— EmEmVee (@Miel_Machetes) November 12, 2015
Summary: Rutgers students gathered to stand in solidarity with #Mizzou
To the students @ Mizzou, Rutgers University, stand with you in solidarity. #RUwithMizzou #InSolidarityWithMizzou pic.twitter.com/KhzZD99YcJ
— Jav Mendez (@whoisjavmendez) November 12, 2015
Summary: Albany students gathered to march in solidarity with #Mizzou
#IStandWithMizzou #BlackOnCampus #BlackLivesMatter #UAlbanyForMizzou pic.twitter.com/3VcVHXWQB0
— Taiquan L. Coleman (TLC) (@taiquancoleman) November 12, 2015
Making history #ualbanyformizzou #MillionStudentMarch #Mizzou #CollegeBlackout #ConceredStudent1950 pic.twitter.com/xAHbgbZT3G
— simperella (@ParrisSoFetch_) November 12, 2015
Summary: The Afrikan Student Union at UCLA (Black Bruins) held a massive demonstration in solidarity with #Mizzou.
Closing Assata chant led by 4 year old Seijani #studentblackout #BlackBruinsMatter #FIREDUP #WeStandWithMizzou pic.twitter.com/Fh9frGNxZ0
— Black Bruins (@BlackBruins) November 12, 2015
Summary: Stanford students held a rally, which was also attended by administrators, to stand in solidarity with the black students at Mizzou. There was a great turnout for the rally and even the official StanfordU account tweeted support. They have also organised a time of speaking out and healing which will be taking place tonight and which also has the aim of brainstorming action steps to make the community ‘safer and stronger’.
We got a thousand folks here!#standwithmizzou #ConcernedStudent1950 pic.twitter.com/OWb32DglK7
— Jeff Chang (@zentronix) November 12, 2015
Students at Mizzou, we, students at @Stanford stand with you. #InSolidarityWithMizzou #ConcernedStudent1950 pic.twitter.com/DCSOz0xGzT
— Benjamin Fernandes 🇹🇿 (@Benji_Fernandes) November 13, 2015
Stony Brook University
Summary: President Samuel L. Stanley and Dean of Students Timothy Ecklund linked arms with students and faculty members participating in a blackout protest in support of the University of Missouri protests.
President Samuel L. Stanley Jr. participates in a demonstration with @stonybrooku students: https://t.co/9rVamrfAWs pic.twitter.com/pS8BLHhdrO
— The Statesman (@sbstatesman) November 12, 2015
Gallery of images from the demo:
So what’s next? Share this post on Facebook to show solidarity with Mizzou and organize on your own campus to get your voices heard.