Another accuser has stepped forward to file a civil lawsuit against Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson. After watching HBO’s special Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel about the athlete, she said that she was motivated to sue him for his alleged sexual misconduct, TMZ Sports reports. 

Nia Smith is the 23rd massage therapist to accuse Watson of sexual misconduct. Smith alleges that Watson was sexually inappropriate during three separately booked sessions with her in 2020, TMZ Sports reports.

Attorney Tony Buzbee, who is legally representing women, filed a lawsuit on Tuesday in Texas and said Watson might face more legal repercussions, according to CBS News.

“I will be filing a 24th case soon,” Buzbee wrote in a text message to the Associated Press.

Twenty-two lawsuits were filed in 2021, and HBO interviewed two of the women for a segment in the documentary. During the HBO special, both women graphically recalled interactions with Watson.

“After seeing Watson publicly refuse to take responsibility for his action … saying he had ‘no regrets,’ and Watson’s lawyer repeatedly calling the women liars, [Smith] decided enough was enough,” Buzbee wrote in court documents, according to TMZ Sports.

“She decided that Watson needs to be held accountable,” Buzbee continued. “She does not want him to get away with his lies.”

Smith’s lawsuit states that she is seeking “minimal compensatory damages.”

“Today we filed suit for the 23rd plaintiff in this litigation,” Buzbee said in a statement sent to TMZ Sports. “Other cases may come. The Watson defense team has vilified these women and this cause. Shame on them! We look forward to trying this case in court.”

Watson has maintained his innocence, and a grand jury in March declined to indict him on criminal charges.

“Deshaun Watson vehemently denies the allegations, just as he has since she first discussed them with members of our firm in March of last year,” Watson’s attorney, Rusty Hardin, said, CBS News reports. “She repeated the allegations on social media in August and he denied them then. The only thing new about her contentions is the embellishment making them more extreme than prior versions. Deshaun’s denial remains the same.”

No criminal charges have been filed against Watson, but he is currently under investigation, as well as facing a possible suspension from the NFL.

Watson hasn’t played an NFL game since Jan. 3, 2021.