Dear Tamir,

It’s me again. I don’t have it this time. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to create or to destroy. I don’t know who to call or where to go. I don’t know if tomorrow will come for me or for us. I don’t know if peace is real. I don’t know.

I know one thing. I know you are America’s truth. I know you’re the blood that holds it together. You’re the life we have to live. You’re the weight of this reality. You’re the sacrifice of my transparency, the tears of our sanity. I know you are us. I know you got us. I know your heart won’t beat again. I know justice hasn’t met you yet. I know justice gon’ see me. It’s gonna feel us. I know tonight we gotta fight. I know tomorrow we’re gonna get free, for you. I know ain’t no more f*cks. I know ain’t no more chill. I know that. I know your moms is my moms. I know my hands shake for the battle. I know this feeling in my heart. I know it’s not going nowhere. I know my feet not cold and my legs aren’t tired. I know my life ain’t for me. I know free. I think. I know me. I think. I know us. I think. I know this fight. I think. I know my people. I think. I know I got you, Tamir. I know you got us. I know we ready. I know the forecast looks free. I know I’m ready to give my life if that’s what it takes. I know I’ll carry this pain, your pain, for all the days to come. I know America will remember this pain through resistance and through sacrifice. I know your energy is mine. I know I’ll carry it to freedom, or as close as I can get.

I know these tears ain’t no waste. I know I do this for you, Tamir.

— Avery Jackson

Avery Jackson is a student at Morehouse College and an organizer for a world yet achieved. He can be found at  @philosavery on Twitter and Instagram and more of his work is posted at