Bishop Eddie Long, Senior Pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church has died and left a slew of controversies as his legacy. The Atlanta bishop who led a march against same-sex marriage and also settled a sexual assault lawsuit with four young men died on Sunday, he was 63. 

Like with all high profiled deaths, the news of Long's passing sent Twitter into a firestorm, with the majority of users sharing their distaste for the responses by some Christians. 

Some tried to dismiss the backlash towards the controversial speaker. 

The scandals that surrounded Long's career sparked several essays by activists and journalist on websites such as The Root and Medium following the announcement. Many used the news as an opportunity to speak on the hypocrisy of the black church and its involvement in the pain of the black LGBT community. 

On the other hand, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church called Long, "deeply committed to his church," "a pioneering leader" and "revolutionary mind changer." Long's wife, First Lady Elder Vanessa Long, who has stood by him through all of the controversies said publically "Although, his transition leaves a void for those of us who loved him dearly, we can celebrate and be happy for him, knowing he’s at peace.”

Several reports state that Long died of an aggressive form of cancer in Atlanta, Georgia. The debates surrounding his tainted legacy, however, will live on and never be forgotten. Not just by those on Twitter, or his congregation, but by those that Long caused pain to. These conversations will and must continue. 

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