The Brookings Institution of Washington, DC, a nonprofit research group, conducted a study tracking all deaths in the United States from 2011-2013.

The study shows the findings of deaths by race, age, and type of death. The deaths of young black Americans show that 82% of gun related deaths are acts of homicide, with 14% being caused by suicide. On the reverse, 77% of gun related deaths in young white America were caused by suicide, while 19% come from homicide.


These numbers have caused a number of groups to give an effort to form an alliance with Black Lives Matter, to move beyond the protocol that normally follows mass shootings because it caters to whites. In the words of Marc Morial, who heads the National Urban League, a community-based civil rights organization, “The movement is too white, there’s no input from communities of color.”’

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Read “Unequal, Til Death Do Us Part. Three Charts that show the big differences between black and white gun deaths”

The Brookings Institute further adds context to the data stating:

“The firearm homicide rate among black men aged 20-29 is about 89 per 100,000.To put that fact in some international perspective, in Honduras—the country with the highest recorded homicide rate—there were 90.4 intentional murders per 100,000 people in 2012.”



Read more from Harvard Professor, William J. Wilson here.

Watch the PSA from the NBA about Gun Violence below
Via Fusion News