“Does Cam Newton’s unwed fatherhood set a bad example?”

Not our question. This inquiry is actually the headline of a Charlotte newspaper. The Charlotte Observer published letters to the editor on Monday, with local residents upset about the star quarterback’s new title as dad. Correction; unwed dad.

A week before the letters arrived, Cam tweeted the news of his son, Chosen Sebastian Newton’s arrival into the world.
My longtime girlfriend and I were extremely blessed to have a son last week. Our family is excited and thank you all for the well wishes!
— Cameron Newton (@CameronNewton) December 31, 2015
I’ve been quiet about this because I didn’t want to create a distraction for my team and appreciate the privacy in this joyous time.
— Cameron Newton (@CameronNewton) December 31, 2015
The Observer published articles about the Christmas Eve baby born to Cam and his girlfriend, Kia even mentioning his new father glow. Readers and fans of the 15-1 Carolina Panthers just couldn’t deal with the family situation.
Letter 1
“So the man whom we celebrate, and with good reason, has produced a son. Congratulations would be in order if he had been man enough to marry the mother of his child and make a home. This happy occasion is blighted when Cam, whose own parents were married, skips the very basis of being a good parent.
I am just very sorry and very disappointed.”
Letter 2
“It is amazing that the birth of Cam Newton’s son by his girlfriend is a front-page story. The U.S. is seeing a rise in unmarried births and for the media to flash this as the greatest happening for Cam Newton is contrary to today’s family principles.
Cam is a role model to many of our young males, both white and black. The least that he and his longtime girlfriend could have done is to get married prior to giving birth to show his followers that not only is he a superstar, but also a person with high morals.”
The paper did publish one positive response to baby Newton.
“Editor’s note: Cam Newton left practice early to go to Atlanta for his son’s birth.
Kudos to Cam for putting fatherhood first, then football. He had a great role model who helped make him the fine young man he is today. Like him, I wish all males could have that father figure in their lives.
I can’t wait to see Chosen dabbin’!”
This one tweet alone captures the absurdity of such criticism.
The criticism of Cam Newton shows how dangerous respectability politics can be. College grad, clean shaven, no tats, visits sick kids,etc.
— Evan F. Moore (@evanFmoore) January 5, 2016
If being an unwed father overshadows his good deeds and stellar performances on the field, we must truly assess what it means to be a role model. Babies are born everyday out of wedlock. Chill with the 1950’s standards. It’s 2016 and the definition of family is continuing to evolve. The kid will never see a hungry day and or have to answer a call from Sallie Mae. He’s in good hands. Cam not putting a ring on it or if he decides to at a later date, someone will still find issue with his relationship. That’s what critics do. They criticize.