Roses are red, violets are blue, Valentine’s Day is near and you don’t have a boo. Getting through the most heart-eyed emoji day of the year by yourself can be rough whether it’s your first time going solo or the eleventeenth. There are plenty of ways to disconnect from all the lovey doveyness happening around you and maybe a few of these options could help you laugh through it all.

1. When you make plans in advance for the day you’re about to have


A photo posted by NoChill (@nochill) on

Photo: tumblr
Photo: tumblr

2. When you realize who the one true bae in your life is

Photo: imgur
Photo: imgur

3. When you need a way to drown your sorrows

Photo: giphy
Photo: giphy

4. When you don’t even want to risk scrolling into your feelings

Photo: giphy
Photo: giphy

5.  When you turn a sad situation into a lituation

Photo: giphy
Photo: giphy

6. When you disregard the day in itself and instead make it about something you could truly enjoy

Photo: tumblr
Photo: tumblr

7. When you let everyone know that you aren’t here for Valentines Day because in your world, it does not exist

photo: giphy
photo: giphy

8. When you take yourself on a date since no one bothered to ask you out

photo: tumblr
photo: tumblr

9. When you’re honest about how you really feel

Photo: tumblr
Photo: tumblr

10. When instead of giving to someone else, you treat yourself to a gift that says “no one can love me, like I love me”

Photo: tumblr
Photo: tumblr

11. When you light one up and forget the feelings

Photo: tumblr
Photo: tumblr

12. When you remix a song and dance the emotions away

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Photo: tumblr
Photo: tumblr

13. When you find humor in the situation and laugh away the pain

Photo: makeagif
Photo: makeagif

14. When you binge on hilarious videos of other folks taking on Single Awareness Day

Photo: tumblr
Photo: tumblr

Valentine’s day will go sooner than it came. Whether you spend it alone, with friends, a side piece, or significant other, spend it how you want. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Photo: tumblr
Photo: tumblr

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