A new condom from an Argentinian sex toy company sparked an important discussion on consent.

Tulipán created the world’s first “consent condom,” which requires four hands to open its packaging, reports The Next Web.

The company created the condom to encourage sexual consent and lower HIV rates in Argentina.

AHF Argentina, an HIV/AIDS awareness organization, reports only 14.5% of Argentinian men use condoms regularly and 65% use them occasionally. An additional 20% never use condoms. The alarming statistics led to the production of the condom. BBDO Argentina, a marketing company, created the packaging, according to CBS News.

“Tulipán has always spoken of safe pleasure but for this campaign we understood that we had to talk about the most important thing in every sexual relationship — pleasure is possible only if you both give your consent,” said BBDO spokesman Joaquin Campins. “If it’s not a yes, it’s a no,” he added.

The condoms have been distributed to citizens around Buenos Aires, free of charge. Its creation sparked quite the discussion on Twitter. 

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Tulipán and BBDO clearly mean well but the road to an internet dragging is paved with good intentions. Man Twitter users aren’t feeling the premise of this product.

The condom is expected to be available for purchase later this year.

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