In "bad news bears" news, D.C.-based retail store Diet Starts Monday came up with the "bright" idea to feature a drink called "Pill Cosby."

Photo: Giphy

You read that right.

The drink from the newly opened pop-up restaurant, bar and retail store went an offensive step further and featured floating capsules as a garnish, referencing the multitude of rape and sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby.

Photo: Diet Starts Monday

Diet Starts Monday is operated by longtime friends David Gentry and John Geiger. The two pals also founded a clothing brand of the same name. 

So, what would even bring this horrible idea about? Gentry explained to the Washingtonian that the cocktail was meant to raise awareness of date rape. “It lets people be a little more aware,” he said.

However, that message was a fail. 

Photo: Twitter

Photo: Twitter

Photo: Twitter

Photo: Twitter

The list of cocktails features other black influencers with D.C. ties including Taraji P. Henson, Dave Chappelle, Marvin Gaye and Marion Barry (the former D.C. mayor who comes with his own set of legal and ethical issues), who each have their own signature drinks.

Diet Starts Monday has since tweeted an apology and removed the Pill Cosby from its menu. They “apologize to anyone who felt offended.”

A major fail, all around.