At last, Drake has released the music video for his latest single, "God's Plan."

For the past few weeks, the rapper has been making headlines for his charitable spirit; he had been seen around Miami giving away money, buying groceries for people and sponsoring shopping sprees. He also made an appearance at the University of Miami.

Now, we get to see what all of that goodwill was leading to.

The video starts with: "The budget for this video was $996,631.90. We gave it all away. Don't tell the label …" before launching into an intimate glimpse of the people that make Miami so enriching and beautiful.

Presented by hip-hop music video vet Director X and directed by filmmaker Karena Evans, "God's Plan" captures exactly what the opening title describes: Drake making people's lives easier, better and happier by giving away almost $1 million.

It's not just Miami looking at Drake in a new light — he seems to have earned the respect of almost everyone who watched the video. It left Black Twitter extra verklempt!

Photo: GIPHY