This weekend, my boyfriend and I tackled the 17-hour, more-than-1000-mile drive from Los Angeles to Seattle. If you’re planning a trip like this, it’s important to be prepared so that you can focus on the fun. Here are the items that are absolutely essential for your road trip starter pack:

Pillows & blankets

If you’re trading off driving shifts, these come in handy when it’s your turn to catch some sleep.

Photo: Giphy

Comfortable clothes

For a 17-hour drive, comfort is king. And that means choosing “trip fits.”  These are the clothes that you’ll be wearing for the actual drive. Leggings are life. I also like including a big sweatshirt for additional comfort and warmth.

Photo: Giphy


It’s almost astronomically more convenient to have a few snacks packed in the car. It will limit unnecessary stopping, and when you’re hungry you can fix it instantly. Driving through unknown territory and searching for food can sometimes be disappointing.

Photo: Giphy

A cooler

You’ll need somewhere to store these snacks and drinks. A cooler is the perfect accessory if you have space. I refuse to drink a hot red bull.

Photo: Ali Express

Car toiletries kit

You probably have these items packed away in your luggage, but keeping a readily accessible kit of toothpaste, hand sanitizer, floss, Ibuprofen and band-aids up front might come in handy.

Photo: Cool Kids Adventures

There are plenty of other things you can get to make your road trip as fun and easy as possible, but these five items need to be at the top of everybody’s list.

Happy road tripping!

road trip starter pack
Photo: Giphy


Do you have any other road trip essentials? Let us know in the comments!

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