When a teenage girl was being harassed by a woman for selling candy outside of a Target in California, a passerby decided to stand up for her out of the kindness of his heart. The video of the incident has gone viral.

“She comes up to the little kid and is like, ‘Where is your license? Have you asked permission to be here?’ And then the kid is like, ‘No, I’m just selling candy. I’m trying to make some money,’”Andy Lizarraga, who recorded the incident, told CBS Los Angeles.

The teenage girl was selling candy for $1. Jay Lopez, who stopped the woman from harassing the girl, described the situation in the moment that he got there.

“She continued to yell at her and scream at her and tell her if she didn’t have a permit, that she was going to go to jail, that sheriffs were on their way,” recalled Lopez. “When I walked up, she was crying hysterically,” he said.

It was then that Lopez decided this girl had been through enough.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” Lopez said as he argued with the woman. “I’m buying it all and I’m going to give it to all of these people.”

And, indeed he did. Lopez purchased the girl’s entire box of candy ($80) and handed out every piece to customers exiting Target, until they were all gone.

Watch the video below:

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