State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal just led a record-breaking filibuster in Missouri. The anti-gay bill, SJR 39, will amend the Missouri constitution to prohibit the state from penalizing certain individuals or organizations whose religious beliefs infringe on the rights of same-sex couples.

Essentially, the bill allows taxpayer-funded entities to refuse service to LGBTQ individuals because of their religious beliefs. So anyone or any organization, even private businesses, whose spiritual law puts barriers on love will have the full backing of the state.

Chappelle-Nadal, and the group of Democrats in opposition to this bill, aptly stood on the senate floor for 39 hours, but unfortunately the bill passed with the Republican majority 21-11. There’s still hope that the bill will be amended, as legislators have until May 13th when this legislative session ends.
Throughout the filibuster, Democrats sent in their support to Chappelle-Nadal and the other MO legislators.
I couldn’t be prouder of Mo Dem Senators’ 27 hours & counting filibuster of bill that discriminates against folks based on who they love.
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) March 9, 2016
If you liked her filibuster against #SJR39 join me in supporting @MariaChappelleN‘s US Congressional race in MO CD-1
— #FeelTheBern (@MizRacy) March 10, 2016
Marriage equality is the law. I stand with those filibustering in MO to make sure discrimination won’t be. -H
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 9, 2016
Standing up for our LGBTQ sisters and brothers is the duty of all elected officials. This should make us all proud.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) March 9, 2016
Thanks to senators for fighting the good fight on #SJR39. Now it’s up to the House to stop this discriminatory measure #NotInMyState
— Governor Jay Nixon (@GovJayNixon) March 9, 2016