The rapidly growing messaging platform Slack was awarded “Fastest Rising Startup” by TechCrunch. To receive the honor, at Monday night’s 9th annual Crunchies in San Francisco, were four of Slack’s software engineers who all happen to be Black women.
In the acceptance speech on behalf of the company, Kiné Camara praised Slack for its “diversity and inclusion.”
“We’ve got 9 percent of women of color in engineering at Slack four of whom are here tonight in formation,” she said.

Watch the entire speech.
Slack wins Fastest Rising Startup at the #Crunchies
— TechCrunch (@TechCrunch) February 9, 2016
Nine percent seems low? Actually, it’s rather impressive for a startup. Silicon Valley and the tech industry as a whole continues to be a man’s world, with low representation in terms of diversity.
Big congrats to Slack for making major strides.