Most of the Confederate monument conversation this past year has been centered on the removal of statues. We recently reported on high school students wanting to remove their Confederate symbol mascot. This time; however, we're highlighting an instance in which a group of people actually want to showcase Confederate soldiers. Specifically, the black ones.

According to Post And Courier, the S.C. Secessionist Party is teaming up with black Confederate activist Arlene Barnum this Saturday to protest the lack of recognition for black Southern soldiers at the Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum.

Basically, their overall message is that black soldiers did indeed fight for the South in the Civil War and they are being erased. This is similar to the South Carolina lawmakers who wanted to erect a monument honoring black soldiers

"They are being wiped out of history," said Barnum said of black Confederate veterans. She added that she did not believe the Relic Room was "Confederate enough."

"We shouldn't be dishonoring any soldier whether they served voluntarily or involuntarily," noted S.C. Secessionist Party leader James Bessenger. Bessenger compared the slaves who were forced into Civil War battle to the military draft. 

Photo: GIPHY

Per State and federal records, there were about 350 South Carolina African-Americans made up of musicians, cooks, laborers, and servants who served in Confederate units or filed post-war pension applications. They're long overdue for their recognition, don't you think?