“Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement” documentary premiered on BET Thursday night and it was incredibly moving. The hour-long special walked viewers through the birth and growth of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag-turned-movement, ultimately posing the question, “what’s next?”.

The accounts of activists, protestors and supporters transported viewers back to the moments when the lives of Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray and others were tragically lost to actions stemming from systemic racism in our country.

The film also delved into how the #BlackLivesMatter movement was able to transcend state lines and re-emerge in new cities during the moments when it was needed the most. Despite being condemned by activists from the Civil Rights Movement such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, BLM is the movement that the social media age needed to mobilize.

As the story unfolded, Twitter relived every second.

Overwhelming Emotions flooded people’s hearts.

Activists and protestors recalled being on the streets.

And the reality that this is more than a moment, greater than just protests, started to settle in.

The discussion continued but not without praises raining in for BET.


Photo: BET
Photo: BET


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