Planning a group trip is great for many reasons. Accommodation costs are cheaper, group activities tend to be more fun and you can meet new friends. In every group trip, you’ll find some similar personalities showing their faces. Good or bad, expect these six people to be on your next group trip.

The Unbendable Planner

Ahh yes, the never-failing organizer and the one who has every half hour planned down to the second. This person, forgetting that a weekend getaway is probably going to be more of a relaxation weekend than non-stop adventure, has various activities planned with no room for down time, naps, or simple alone time. This person has everyone on a schedule, from an 8 a.m. breakfast to a non-stop game night beginning at 10:30 p.m. This person means well but tends to forget that multiple personalities and people with various travel goals might need room to do their own things. 

The Instigator

This person was the well-known person everyone wanted to be in college and is now stuck in corporate America. The boredom and personal dissatisfaction with their day-to-day job causes this person to start unnecessary drama with the vacation. As most faces are new to one another, this isn’t difficult. The instigator picks disruptive topics to talk about while vacation-goers are doing simple activities, such as drinking morning tea on the balcony or grabbing a snack. This person also mentions little tidbits about what someone else said, hoping to stir the pot as much as possible before going back to their dreaded office on Monday morning.   

The Hookup Seeker

This person comes on the trip to hookup with someone. That’s all. They spend the week before scouring the Facebooks of the trip attendants, looking for a suitor for that Saturday night. This person spends the trip slowly “getting to know” each apple of their eye, and tends to try and get the wine started a little early. You can tell if this person succeeded or not depending on their facial expression at Sunday-morning brunch.

The Magician   

This person isn’t necessarily Houdini, but they always feel the need to show some type of skill they feel no one else has. Whether it’s starting a fire (even though most people know how to do that), cooking some exotic dish (even if everyone else knows the dish), or knowing a particular animal species on the harbor (we’ve got Google), this person feels the need to point out every random detail or skill they’re capable of, so everyone knows just how interesting they are.

The Intellect

This person reads the entire trip, asks if anyone knows the obscure author they’re currently “just obsessed with” at the moment, then proceeds to list all of the 150 books they’ve completed thus far this year. This person goes on to say no matter how strenuous one’s full-time job is, everyone should make time to read at least 7 books per week, watch The Daily Show, and be up on the most recent Op-Ed from Charles M. Blow. This person also pushes everyone toward excessively-intellectual debates, discussing the influence of the ISIS regime on people of color while everyone is sipping a whiskey shot during the middle of a game of Taboo.

The “Terrance J”  

The goofball was a bit of a dork through school and found some cool clothes and a great job. This person is extremely friendly and tends to be the moderator of the various personalities, but can also really irritate people when there’s actually a problem going on.  


So, did we miss anyone? What personalities always seem to show their faces on your group trips? Let us know in the comments below!


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