Amateur comic book artists are giving the pros a run for their money. 

Marvel Studios invited artists to share their Black Panther inspired fan art, using the #BlackPantherFanArt hashtag on Twitter. Many have jumped at the invitation, painting and drawing illustrious versions of T’challa and the crew. Some recreated stills from the movie, while others took more creative liberty and featured the characters in almost God-like stances, or as cartoon versions of themselves. 

Others took creativity a different direction by drawing from the movie's characters to paint self-portraits. 

The art work not only gained Twitter attention, but also the attention of the film stars as well. Black Panther himself, Chadwick Boseman, retweeted pictures and commended the artists for their work. 

The artwork displays not only raw talent, but talent harvested from an appreciation for the movie and it’s well received representation of black people and culture.

The Black Panther train just keeps rolling.