The 140-character-count hilarity known as Twitter struck when word of a group gun-happy people in Oregon seizing a federal building hit the internet. Twitter has since been on a roll, pointing out the obvious bias of the treatment of these protesters.
#BLM is unarmed and peaceful, and has been attacked without mercy by militarized police. #YallQaeda is armed and basically declaring war.
— US Dept. of Irony (@IronyDept) January 4, 2016
The only thing separating #YallQaeda from the #Talibanjo is the Mason-Dixon line.
— Godless Artist (@Eastern_Atheist) January 4, 2016
Most of us couldn’t occupy fed bldg indefinitely even if we wanted to bc we have 2 go 2 work. Lemme guess they’re on disability? #YallQaeda
— Lori VP Juerling (@mrsjuerlo) January 4, 2016
#YallQaeda makes no sense to me because the militia people are from the West and Upper Midwest, not the South. Have to go with #VanillaISIS.
— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) January 4, 2016
Is anybody profiling these #YallQaeda guys one-by-one yet? That needs to happen.
— Jillian Hurley (@BeautyBind) January 4, 2016
You might be #YallQaeda if you need rifles to shop for plungers @HomeDepot
— MADMOM (@madmommadmom) January 4, 2016
It’s not even a week into 2016 and we already have the word of the year… #YallQaeda
— JasonDean (@FrenemiesReview) January 3, 2016
No worries Oregon you’re totally making the rest of ‘merica look sane and badass carry on great work. #YallQaeda
— Philip H. Beauregard (@fundatoris) January 3, 2016
Whoever coined #YallQaeda for the Oregon militia can just take the rest of the week off.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) January 3, 2016