A We The People petition circulated last week to formally recognize Black Lives Matter as a terrorist organization, receiving more than 140,000 signatures and beckoning a response from the Obama administration.

The White House responded with a hard “no”, ushering in a sea of white tears that will be shed while grieving this failed attempt.

The response went on to address the current climate of the country stating, “This is a difficult time for our nation and this is a charged debate that stirs deep emotion,” again referring back to President Obama’s words asking for Americans to “stand in each other’s shoes and look at the world through each other’s eyes.”
The message also denounced the assumed role of the White House in designating the label of a ‘terror organization’ to domestic groups.
“The White House plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations. The U.S. government does not generate a list of domestic terror organizations, and therefore we are not able to address the formal request of your petition.”
Most importantly, the petitioner was urged to reflect on President Barack Obama’s recent statements regarding Black Lives Matter.
“I think it’s important for us to also understand that the phrase ‘black lives matter’ simply refers to the notion that there’s a specific vulnerability for African Americans that needs to be addressed,” the President said last week in Washington, DC. “It’s not meant to suggest that other lives don’t matter.”
Though the black community expressed disappointment about President Obama’s failure to address systemic racism in either of his recent talks, the quote used was a perfect clapback to the All Lives Matter sentiments of the petition.
In other words, the response was: