The aftermath of #AltonSterling, #PhilandoCastile and #AlvaBraziel has left the black community in distress. Many have been left feeling fearful, helpless and defeated yet they’ve been able to channel these negative feelings into action. Songs have been written in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter; many petitions have been started and thousands have taken to the streets in protest.

On Twitter, #WhitePrivilegeMeans, which was revived by @CESchulz, uncovered the chilling reality that Black people know as citizens living in the systemically racist nation that is the United States of America.

First and foremost, the greatest privilege of whiteness is the reality of being treated like a non-factor when you’re a domestic terrorist.

The reality that whiteness = being treated more favorably by the law…

…and for your humanity to receive that same favor.

The privilege to threaten the President of the United States of America and still be used a ‘credible’ source on a major news network.

To be shown in a positive light by the mainstream media .

Because white people have been controlling their own narrative and erasing that of others since the beginning of time.

But of course, white tears were shed.

White tears
Photo: EzGif

Photo Credit: Fierce GIFs
Photo: Fierce GIFs

But the clapbacks were A-1.

Honestly, how could they want to understand when white privilege means power?

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