The Black Opera is a mysterious hip-hop group that has been challenging the listener and society since its inception in 2011. They’ve kept their identities hidden all this time, but today I’m here to bring you the latest in their music in “Black Woman Is God” from their upcoming album African America.

This track doesn’t hold back with lyrics tackling questions of religion and science, but making it clear for the listener what their mission is: to educate and inform. Production was handled on this track by Magestik Legend and it fits our lyricists perfectly. African America is set to drop November 11. Here’s a bit of what the group said about the forthcoming record.

“At its core, African America is the story of a people that feel lost, a people that don’t feel welcome in their place of birth. This is where Black Americans currently exist, a place where the laws and law enforcement don’t seem to serve or protect them. “African America” can be viewed as an actual plea to build a new home, or just to relocate mentally.”

You can peep the single below, I personally am excited to see what this does for the cultural landscape. We have artists like T.I, Kendrick and more continuing to tackle the evident issues in our country, but it sounds like The Black Opera are unapologetically aggressive with their stance and that’s what we need right now.

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