nullWell over a year ago, back on May 2011, I profiled the powerful and dramatic short film titled Karim, written and directed by L.A. based filmmaker Carl Seaton, a Chicago native, who was inspired to make the film after being profoundly affected by the violent summer in his hometown the previous year. 

And if anyone has been paying attention to the national news, the situation has gotten worse this year instead of better.

According to the filmmaker, he "wanted to shoot something without depending on dialogue as well as make the audience redirect their sympathies from prey to predator."

However the good news is that, thanks to the overwheling response Karim has gotten so far, Seaton has gotten a global distribution deal for his film, and it will be availbale for download and purchase starting this Sunday evening, on Oct 14th, at The Shorts Movie Channel HERE.

Here's the trailer::