
Oh boy… stick a fork in this baby because it's done!

Not at all a good look for this movie; the 3rd date shift in the last month or two. W.T.F. is up with all this shifting?

They really should just dump the thing on DVD/VOD at this point, because general reaction to the trailer wasn't all that positive, and the fact that the studio keeps moving its release date around suggests that they maybe just don't know what to do with it, and/or the film sucks! 

My last on it was on January 9th, a month ago, when it was announced that the release date had been shifted for the 2nd from March 23 to April 20, after being previously moved from its original January date to March 23, which, as I noted in a previous post,may have been a calculated one by Paramount, as that announcement came after it was made public that the film's star Eddie Murphy would host the Academy Awards, with the hope being that Eddie would be a hit as Oscar host on February 27th, which would then translate to increased interest in and awareness of the film when it would have been released about 3 weeks later.

Well… not-long after Eddie's exit as host of the Oscars, Paramount (not-so-surprisingly) shifted the film's release date again to April 20.

And today, they've done it again, moving A Thousand Words' debut up to March 9.

So mark your calendars folks, 'cause I know you all were just dying to see this. It'll open a month from now instead of April 20. 

No reasons given, although they likely believe it's a better slot for it. That weekend it'll be going up agains John Carter (which should rule that weekend) and a horror flick titled Silent House.

Paramount will open it wide by the way.

Might we see one more shift? 🙂