After receiving a bit of pushback about specific requests for blood from black donors, Give Blood NHS – the official blood service for England – took to Twitter to explain.

They started by addressing some valid concerns.

And then they got into the facts.

Not all blood is created equal.

"Blood can have more than 30 different types of blood groups. You’ve all heard of ABO, right? That’s one blood group." The thread went on to say, "And you’ve heard of people being ‘positive’ or ‘negative’? That’s another blood group."

"It’s not to say white or Asian people can’t be B negative, or that all black people are B negative," they said. "It just means people from the same ethnic background are more likely to have the same blood groups…and for blood transfusions to work, you need well-matched blood groups."

Still with us?

"Many people with sickle cell disease need regular blood transfusions of healthy blood to stay alive," they said.

Hence the need for more black donors.

And there you have it, folks.

Photo: Giphy