
Not a single soul:


From May 21 until June 21, it's act up season for Geminis around the world. While some are readying themselves for a month's worth of foolishness from the Geminis in their lives, others have a different reaction:

Commonly referred to as the "twin" sign, Forbes says Geminis are most known for their duplicate personalities. One personality reveals a quick-witted and friendly extrovert, while the other exposes a rather quiet and pensive introvert. Famous Geminis include Kanye West, Tupac, Morgan Freeman, Naomi Campbell, Prince, and … Donald Trump. 

Welp, y'all Geminis have to stay humble somehow. 

In Gemini season, letting go of the idea that you can only act one way is alright. So, it's perfectly acceptable to be a City Girl one week and akin to Sade the following. After all, famous poet and noted Gemini Walt Whitman once said, "Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes."
From the looks of Twitter, some Geminis can relate.

On the other hand, some are saying get ready for the impending debauchery. 

Regardless of how you're approaching the next 31 days, all we know is the internet has become a safe space for all Geminis to congregate and celebrate their nobleness.

Ah, the Geminis. May we know, love and never cross them. Turn up, y'all!