
With so many characters from the original trilogy returning, fans have been shocked not to see Halle Berry's name yet. Storm survived Brett Ratner's "The Last Stand," but a return has yet to be confirmed. [Producer Bryan] Singer said that an appearance from Storm is still up in the air. "I can't say. I don't know yet. And it's not necessarily a deal making aspect at all," he said. "I want to make sure it'll make sense. But I love working with her."

So, in other words, the answer is no.

Of course that was producer Bryan Singer answering questions from MTV Movies, about the potential for a Storm return (who was played by Halle Berry in the first X-Men trilogy of films), in the upcoming sequel to X-Men: First Class, which will be based on the "Days of Future Past" storyline, seen in a pair of Uncanny X-Men issues published in 1981.

The story, which sounds really cool…:

… alternates between present day, in which the X-Men fight Mystique's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and a future timeline caused by the X-Men's failure to prevent the Brotherhood from assassinating Senator Robert Kelly. In this future universe, Sentinels rule the United States, and mutants live in internment camps. The present-day X-Men are forewarned of the possible future by a future version of their teammate Kitty Pryde, whose mind traveled back in time and possessed her younger self to warn the X-Men. She succeeds in her mission and returns to the future, but despite her success, the future timeline still exists as an alternative timeline rather than as the actual future.

As the above paragraph from the MTV Movies piece states, several characters (and the actors who played them) from the first trilogy of movies are coming back for X-Men: Days of Future Past – like Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore and Anna Paquin – but no mention of Storm/Halle Berry.

I'm kind of used to black characters in mainstream blockbusters movies like this, being more of an afterthought, so I guess I wouldn't be surprised if *we* aren't well-repped in the film. What Singer says about making sure "it all makes sense," I suppose with respect to story, is rubbish, and sounds like something that's probably said often in the world in which he exists. If they want to squeeze a character in there, they'll find a way to make it happen.

Like I said, *we* tend to be more of an afterthought – even if *we* feature heavily in the source print material. But, as of right now, as far as I know, from available info, looking at the list of all the actors who've already been cast (about 10 at the moment) not a single one of them is a person of color. Zilch! Should there be any?

But how do you guys feel about the possibility that Storm may not feature at all in the sequel; those of you who are comic book pros, and who are familiar with the X-Men universe and the particular story the sequel will be based on, should Storm be in the film? And if she is, how do feel about Halle Berry coming back to play her? It'll only make sense if Storm is in the movie, since all the other actors are reprising the roles they played in the first trilogy. Although, as I recall, didn't Halle say she didn't particularly care for being in the film series way back when, because she wasn't given much to do anyway?