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'Delicious' on Netflix Explained: New Movie Follows a Wealthy Family's Vacation Gone Wrong
'Delicious' on Netflix Explained: New Movie Follows a Wealthy Family's Vacation Gone Wrong

Delicious is a 2025 Netflix movie with an ending that many viewers would have never guessed. The psychological thriller follows an affluent German family whose vacation goes awry. Although things start out relatively peacefully, John, his wife Esther and their two childen end up in a strange and threatening situation that slowly creeps up on them. As the new Netflix film unfolds, it challenges viewers with its critique of class differences, but ultimately ends with a major plot twist . The ending of Delicious is layered with symbolic meaning. It leaves audiences with lingering questions about the true nature of its purpose. ‘Delicious’ Takes Audiences to the Stunning French Countryside, Where Danger Awaits John and His Family As the trailer for the movie shows, there is a lingering mystery to the plot of Delicious . Although it is clear that some type of sinister act will occur, viewers and even most characters are left wondering exactly how things will play out. The movie begins...

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