Alright… for those of you who love puzzles…

The website for The Dark Knight Rises (the third installment in Christopher Nolan’s Batman franchise, currently shooting) has apparently gone live (HERE), though, when you open the page, all you get is a blank, black/dark screen and a somewhat haunting audio clip plays.

Naturally, fanboys, believing the audio file was some sort of code, took to deciphering it; downloading it, playing it backwards, at slower speeds, faster speeds, listening for letters/numbers etc; though it took one genius at the Superhero Hype online forum to realize that the audio file could be converted into a graphic. He/she used some unnamed audio program that indicated, within the audio spectrum, the above graphic can be found (don’t ask me how this all works; I’m just as wet-nosed as you are when it comes to stuff like this).

As you can see, the graphic image has the characters “#thefirerises” which of course, suggests a Twitter hash-tag (that I could figure out at least); and that lead him to Twitter, where it was discovered that a recently created Twitter account under the name “TheFireRises” exists (@TheFireRises).

So, you’re encouraged to do as I’ve done and start following @TheFireRises, if you want to stay connected, because I’m sure there’ll be more nuggets to follow. The account is already actively twittering, although still what I’d call cryptic. Although, I’m sure at this very moment, code-crackers across the globe are working around the clock to pull back the curtain(s) for the rest of us.

UPDATE… and of course they are/were. The account’s tweets were all links to individual pixels of a much larger image; and putting them all together, which must have taken someone a lot of time to do, you get the below image… what folks collectively agree is a photo of Tom hardy as Bane – one of the villains in The Dark Knight Rise. News In Film was the first site I saw that got it.

Sooo… was it all worth it? 🙂

I’m sure this isn’t the end of the game. Maybe we’ll next get a glimpse of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman??