
Reiterating a suggestion I previously made… if you’re a filmmaker/producer/distributor reading this, and your film is streaming on Netflix, please let me know. Netflix unfortunately doesn’t have what I feel should be a more efficient search/sort method, and it can be quite a chore trying to find something worth watching. So, help me out if you can.

The same goes for non-filmmakers. If you stumble across any titles that you think should be featured in this series, let me know!

But as usual… These aren’t necessarily recommendations (except for where specified). Consider the list more of an FYI – films and TV shows we’ve talked about on this site, at one time or another, that are now streaming on Netflix, that you might want to check out for yourselves.

Without further ado, here is this week’s list of 5:

1 –  Joshua Sanchez’s acclaimed drama Four, an adaptation on an off-Broadway play by Christopher Shinn, which stars Wendell Pierce, alongside Aja Naomi KingEmory CohenE.J. Bonilla and Yolanda Ross, in tale about of a married black man who steps out on his family, on the night of the Fourth of July, with a much younger white man whom he met online, and the way his family quietly deals with his duplicitous life.

Check out the trailer below:


2 – Oscar-winning screenwriter of PreciousGeoffrey Fletcher’s feature film directorial debut Violet & Daisy

The cast includes Saoirse RonanAlexis BledelJames GandolfiniMarianne Jean-Baptiste and Danny Trejo in what has been described as a “Thelma and Louise meets Superbad meets Pulp Fiction” story.

Ronan and Bledel play a pair of teenage assassins lured into what is supposed to be just another quick and easy job, only to find complications as the man they’re supposed to kill is not who they expected.

Here’s the trailer:

null3 – In Living Color alum Tommy Davidson hosts The Chocolate Sundaes Comedy Show, which was produced every Sunday at the world famous Laugh Factory, and was described as a one-of-a-kind, live comedy show featuring Los Angeles’ greatest side-splitting sketch acts.

This aired on Showtime during the entire month of February last year, likely as part of its Black History Month programming.

It was an hour-long show, with guests that included renowned celebrity comedians including Kevin Hart, Jamie Foxx, Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, Cedric the Entertainer, and many more, as well as several up-and-coming comedy acts, in a show that combined stand up with original comedy sketches.

Here’s a trailer for The Chocolate Sundaes Comedy Show:


4- Tyler Perry’s Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor, which stars Jurnee SmollettLance GrossKim KardashianVanessa WilliamsRobbie JonesBrandy Norwood, and Ella Joyce.

The synopsis again reads:

The film tells the story of Judith, an Ivy League-educated relationship expert who makes her living dispensing marital advice, but is so bored with her own marriage that she breaks her professional code and cheats with a smooth talking client only to realize she has made a huge mistake.

Smollett stars as said marriage counselor “Judith,” while Gross is her husband; Jones plays the “smooth talking client” who has an affair with Smollett; Williams plays the owner of the firm where Smollett practices; Brandy is Gross’ co-worker; and Kardashian plays Smollett’s friend and co-worker.

In Perry’s own words to HuffPoConfessions of a Marriage Counselor is “one of the most provocative movies” he’s made, “sexually and otherwise.

If you skipped it when it was in theaters, now you can see just how provocative it is, if you have a Netflix streaming account.

Here’s the trailer:


5 – The CW series The L.A. Complex was canceled after 2 seasons in late 2012, by its Canadian parent, Bell Media, due to low ratings; Although it drew a larger crowd here in the USA on the CW network.

Rumors were that the CW network may pick up where Bell Media left off, and take over the series, so that it can continue airing it here in the USA, where it was apparently faring better. But that never happened, although it was said that the network was in discussions with Epitome Productions – the production company behind the series – who were reportedly shopping it around to other Canadian networks as well.

Fans of Black & Sexy TV web series RoomieLoverFriends will recognize one of the stars of The L.A. Complex in Andra Fuller, who played Kaldrick on the program, a successful Hip-Hop artist with a secret that he believes will hurt his public persona. You’ll have to watch the series to find out what that secret was.

Fuller co-starred opposite Benjamin Charles Watson who played Tariq, a talented musician/writer from Montreal working as an intern at the record company that produces Kaldrick’s music, who happens to be gay, but isn’t completely out yet.

Here’s a trailer for the ensemble cast series: