Released in Paris in April, with no word on whether it’ll travel (though it screened in Martinique as well), is Mariette Monpierre’s Le bonheur d’Elza (which I believe translates to English as Elza’s Happiness, although, you French speakers out there can correct me if I’m wrong).

Synopsis, according to IMDB, reads: Bernadette gave everything to her daughters. Nothing is ever enough for them. Elza completes her master’s degree in mathematics summa cum laude. She is the first college graduate of the family, a wonderful present for her mother who expects even more from her elder: a PHD. But Elza ruins her mothers’ happiness when she leaves against her wishes and flies to Guadeloupe looking for the father that’s she never met. Elza takes us with passion and perseverance in this lush island of light that holds many surprises.

I couldn’t immediately find anything more about the film, except what’s on its Facebook page, which is all in French (specifically, the posts and following comments), and I’m too lazy to try and translate all of it; but if anyone wants to take a stab at it go HERE.

Although, from the little I gather, much of it is praise for the work. Lots of photos from past screenings, and behind-the-scenes shots.

Usually when I post new films like this, I eventually get an email from someone affiliated with it, who’ll provide me the rest of the story, which I’ll then post here… assuming that happens this time.

Watch the trailer below, which is in French, and not subtitled: