From the very (that’s very) few times that I’ve seen American Idol judge Randy Jackson always struck me as the corniest corn pone on TV.

As someone once said about him that he probably was a horribly square geek in high school always getting bullied and has now that he’s older has decided to try to come off as the hippest cat out there… except that he misses by a mile.

And please tell me that he isn’t still saying “Yo Dawg” all the time is he???

Anyway that came to mind when when it was revealed today that Jackson, along with an unnamed reality TV show producer, are currently pitching to networks a daytime talk show that he will host to go up against Ellen and the upcoming new talk shows to be hosted by Katie Couric and Anderson Cooper.

According to one person involved with the planned show, Jackson wants to do the show because :“he wants to talk about things that will be hip next. He thinks he has his finger on the pulse.”

You’re kidding? Really? Somehow the words hip and Randy Jackson are diametric opposites as far as I’m concerned. I mean I could do a hipper show than Jackson and I’m squarer than a cube!