In the video clip below, on the Today Show this morning, Angela Bassett mentions she’s currently “weighing coming to New York to do a Broadway show,” with her kids starting school in September.

Now, based on the info I have, the only new show coming to Broadway this fall, with a starring role for a black woman (especially one that would get Bassett’s attention enough that she’d actually consider the move east) is Katori Hall’s The Mountaintop, which Samuel L. Jackson is already attached to star in as MLK, and Kenny Leon in the director’s chair.

And, given how she phrases her response, it suggests she may have been offered the role, and is now trying to decide whether she’ll do it, given other considerations – specifically, family.

So, if all this speculation turns out to be fact, then we’ll be seeing Angela (who’s certainly no stranger to theater) and Samuel together on stage in the fall.

Watch for yourselves below (thanks to reader AngieBNews for the tip…):

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