
Here’s an intriguing new animated feature film that might tickle your fancy.

Directed by Luiz Bolognesi, and titled Rio 2096, A Story of Love and Fury, the animated film tells the story of Brazil in 4 phases: colonization, slavery, military regime, and then looks to the future, in 2096, during which a war for water is taking place. 

Promising a history of Brazil that you’ve never seen told quite like this, central to the narrative is an immortal hero’s search for the woman he has been in love with for 600 years.

Targeting both youngsters and adults alike with a graphic novel slant to it, the film stars the voice talents of Selton Mello, Camila Pitanga, Rodrigo Santoro and others.

It’s one of at least 3 different feature projects on Brazil and its history that we’ve featured in as many months – including Spike Lee’s Go Brazil, GoRAÇA (RACE), from Brazilian filmmaker Joel Zito Araújo and American Megan Mylan, which will tackle racial inequality in Brazil, via the lives of three black Brazilians, and a few others.

But unlike the others, this is scripted work of historical fiction, which is also an animation, making it stand out from the others.

The film is currently touring the film festival circuit, as I discovered, with a scheduled date France’s Annecy International Animation Film Festival up next, which runs from June 10-15. 

Hopefully to the USA so that we can check it out.

I dug up a trailer for the film, embedded below, although it’s not subtitled in English. But the images tell the tale: