Congrats to Attack The Block star John Boyega for his listing on Screen International’s annual list of the UK stars of tomorrow, highlighting the year’s hottest new acting and filmmaking talent. I believe he’s the only talent of African descent mentioned on the entire list (both actors and filmmakers) of 31. You UK folks can correct me if I’m wrong about that (you can see the full list HERE).

Boyega joins the likes of actor/director Richard Ayoade who made the list a couple of years ago, before most of us heard anything about his feature film Submarine, which was released to critical acclaim earlier this month here in the USA.

So, what’s next for the young Mr Boyega? Well, according to his IMDB page, a drama called Junkhearts, scheduled to be released sometime this year; though he doesn’t have a starring role in it.<

In my review of Attack The Block, I did call him an onscreen leading man of tomorrow, given his onscreen presence and resemblance to a young Denzel Washington.