From the Washington Examiner:

Attorney General Eric Holder has something to say to the creators of HBO’s Baltimore crime drama “The Wire”: Bring it back. Holder gushed about the show, which went off the air after its fifth season in 2008, as he spoke alongside several of the show’s cast members Tuesday at the Justice Department. “Having looked at those clips again, I’m reminded how great that series was,” he said. “I want to speak directly to Mr. Burns and Mr. Simon, do another season of ‘The Wire.’ … I want another season, or a movie,” he implored… Holder and other government officials are touting the show because of how accurately it depicts the plight of kids who are exposed to the use, manufacture or trafficking of drugs in their homes. National Drug Control Policy czar Gil Kerlikowske (after asking the actors to sign his boxed sets of the series, naturally) explained that episodes of the show are used to educate people, including lawmakers, on these sensitive issues.

As much as I loved the series, I don’t think I’d want to see it back on the air in new episodes. It ran its course. It lived and continues to live on DVD and VOD, and I appreciated its run. But, no need to bring it back; definitely no need for a movie either. There are a lot of other stories that haven’t made their way to the screen (big or small) and I’d rather see resources put towards one of those instead.

Glad to know that our nation’s political and judicial leaders are fans too though 🙂