I’m loving this brand new poster for Djo Tunda Wa Munga’s Congo-Kinshasa-set crime thriller, Viva Riva – a film I saw and reviewed enthusiastically earlier this year (calling it a pulsating look at a post-war city), and which will be released here in the USA this summer – just next month actually.

The film premiered at the Toronto Film Festival last fall, and we’ve been tracking it for several months now.

Its synopsis, again, reads as follows: Riva is a small time operator who has just returned to his hometown of Kinshasa, Congo after a decade away with a major score: a fortune in hijacked gasoline. Wads of cash in hand and out for a good time, Riva is soon entranced by beautiful night club denizen Nora, the kept woman of a local gangster. Into the mix comes an Angolan crime lord relentlessly seeking the return of his stolen shipment of gasoline.

The full poster, courtesy of Cinemablend, follows below: