I’m fairly busy today folks, so entries from me will be sporadic for a little bit…

First reported in April, at the time Denzel Washington was said to be “loosely attached” to star in an action drama titled Flight, to be directed by Robert Zemeckis, who was, at the time, in negotiations, from a screenplay written by John Gatins (who was once attached to direct).

It’s now official. Denzel and Zemeckis are have both signed on to the project, will shooting aimed to begin this fall.

The story centers on an alcoholic and drug-addicted pilot, on course towards a life-change “who saves a flight from an engine malfunction,” rescuing the plane and the passengers, and becoming a hero, only to find his till then non-public substance abuse problem, brought to light, thanks to an FAA investigation into the case.

Naturally, lots of drama ensues… Denzel saves a massive, fast-moving object (sound familiar), but this time, he’s an alcoholic. So he’s like Hancock without the super powers 🙂

This will be Robert Zemeckis’ first live-action film since 2000s Cast Away, with Tom Hanks. Since then, he’s been dabbling in animated programming with films like The Polar Express, Beowulf and A Christmas Carol, none of which really fared as expected domestically, relative to budget anyway.

He also produced the recent Mars Needs Moms, which BOMBED.

So, maybe Mr Zemeckis has arrived an an epiphany here… either that, or his backers aren’t as keen to finance anymore of his mo-cap experiments any further, given how underwhelming their performances have been.

No other casting info is available.