Kevin Hart is hitting back at people who don’t like his comedy.

Hart took to Twitter Tuesday to rant against those who he said have called him unfunny. He prefaced his rant by initially tweeting, “Sometimes you gotta sit back & laugh at some of the shit that you hear…and I hear it all.”

He later tweeted “I got time today….” before letting off a barrage of tweets aimed at people who don’t like his comedy.

“The ‘He’s not funny’ slander is the best….this is for you,” he tweeted. “I have 3 stand up comedy specials that fall in the top 10 highest grossing comedy specials of all time….2 of my specials are in the top 3 of all time. I have been the highest grossing comedian in entertainment for years now….I have also been the highest grossing comedian in the box office with over 4 billion in earnings ….I have also turned my comedic talent into a place of business and branding and radio and other revenue streams….The hate/slander fuels me to do more.”

“You guys are what makes this business fun….because it’s not about getting to the top….it’s about doing your best to stay on top after you get there,” he continued. “I rarely talk s**t….but I felt the need to today. Stop believing these headlines and read the actual articles…. you guys fall for the banana in the tail pipe trick every d**n time. J Cole said it best “If ur laughing at a millionaire the jokes on YOU” …..Now back to ur regularly scheduled program. Live love and laugh!!!!”

The “headlines” Hart might be referring to probably involve headlines promoting his interview with the Sunday Times, in which he gave his thoughts on “cancel culture” and his evolution as a comedian. In particular, aside from saying that life and comedy should be about a person’s growth, Hart also said that people who are “just talk[ing] nonsense” should “shut the f— up.”

Regardless of the reason for Hart’s outburst, it did double as publicity for his upcoming Netflix film Fatherhood, set for a Friday release.