
It pretty safe to say that President Obama’s relationship with the black community is complicated to say the least. Of course
he still has overwhelming support from black folks, but there is a lot of disappointment as well.

True, there are many people who believe that he has done
a great job, considering the situation he was elected into, and the strong opposition
he faces on a daily basis. However, there
are those who feel that he hasn’t done enough for the black community.

And then there are still those who are shocked, and I mean shocked, by the fact that, life for them hasn’t become a
rose garden, and every single problem that black people face hasn’t disappeared forever with the election of the first black president, forgetting
that they’re living in the real world, and not some Hollywood fantasy.

Those are the issues that will be examined in a new,
currently-in-development, documentary
called, appropriately enough, A
Complicated Affair
, which deals with, what the filmmakers call, the “delicate”
relationship between the President and the black community, asking
the important question:  “What
did Black people expect from President Obama when they voted for him in
November of 2008?

(Or, as I like to say: “What – did you expect to live

The film is being made by Ernest Champell and Ted Thornton, and they currently have an IndieGoGo
campaign set up to raise $20,000 in the
next 40 days, to help them complete their film.

To go to their IGG
page click HERE

For the film’s Facebook page go HERE

Here’s the trailer: