
Well, Red Tails week is finally upon us, and thank goodness for that because, to be frank, I'm so over reading/hearing/talking about it, and the millions of reasons why it's important that we should all go see it, or not see it, etc, etc, etc.

We can finally put all that chatter to bed and talk about the contents of the movie itself. So whatever YOUR reasons are for going to see it (or not going to see it), good for you!

I screened the film almost 2 weeks ago but haven't said much about it yet; I might post a review this week; might not. It'll be a *game time* decision. I leave for the Sundance Film Festival very early on Friday morning, so if I do write a review, it'll have to be by Thursday at the latest. 

I should note that there are a few midnight screenings scatttered across the land that some of you may be planning to attend.

According to Box Office Mojo, Red Tails will open on 2500 screens; not Transformers-like numbers, but not bad either. In comparison, the other wide release opening that weekend, Underworld Awakening (which co-stars Michael Ealy) will open on 2900 screens.

How will it do? I have my thoughts, but I'll leave the guess-work to you folks… assuming you want to play along.

As I often do, this seemed like a good time to play "Guess [Insert Film Title's] Opening Weekend Box Office And Win [Something]."

Up for grabs this time is a $50 gift certificate to (oh wait, that's what it was the last time; ah well). 

The rules: 

– You have until 11:59PM EST TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18TH to enter your guesses in the comment section below. 

– Whomever comes the closest WITHOUT GOING OVER the actual opening box office take for the film, wins!

ONLY 1 PERSON CAN WIN, so if there are multiple winning guesses, a winner will be randomly-selected from that group of winning guesses. But you'd be advised to scroll through the comments before you post, to help limit the number of similar guesses.

– A winner will be announced on MONDAY, JANUARY 23RD; no sooner. So don't send me emails, or post comments on Sunday, wondering why the winner hasn't been announced yet.

Did I miss anything? 


Alright, get to it!