Per Deadline: “TV industry people are buzzing this afternoon about a hot drama spec that has Halle Berry attached to star. Word is the spec, titled Higher Learning, was sent out today to pay cable networks, with HBO and Showtime among those targeted. I hear that the project, from DreamWorks TV, is eying a quick turnaround, and a decision could come as early as tomorrow. The script, which I hear would have the Oscar winner starring as a college professor, was written by 30-year industry veteran Lee Rose. A queen of TV movies in their heyday during the 1990s, Rose segued to episodic directing over the past 10 years.

The last time I watched anything with the title Higher Learning, it left a bad taste in my mouth (I’m looking right at you Mr John Singleton); anyway… Halle heading to TV? Hmmph… she does have a number of films upcoming that are at various stages of development, most recently, her attachment to the Tom Tykwer/Wachowski adaptation of David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas. Although we still don’t know what her role in that will be. She also has the shark thriller Dark Tide, which is supposed to be out some time this year; and then there are a number of other projects with “unknown” statuses.

Plus, she’s a single mom, and a successful TV series would likely be more suitable to her lifestyle. And the fact that they’re aiming for cable TV, instead of one of the networks is promising.

Now if only more college professors looked like Halle Berry; graduation rates would by sky-high 🙂

Stay tuned…