
With Halloween is upon us, I’ve decided to revisit a piece I wrote 2 Halloweens ago, if only because it’s interesting (well, at least I think it is), but also that, for some reason, the actual video of the full film was removed. But it’s turned up online again, for those who missed it the first time.

When it comes to black horror films, admittedly, there really aren’t that many. Yes there’s schlock like “Dr. Black and Mr. Hyde,” “Black Frankenstein,” “Blacula” and its sequel “Scream Blacula Scream,” “J.D.’s Revenge” and the immortal “Exorcist” rip-off “Abby” that needs a special article all its own (coming later).

Instead, I want to take a look at the 1942 “race” film “Lucky Ghost,” starring Mantan Moreland and F.E. Miller.

The film was one of countless “race” movies made during the silent era to the late 40’s, aimed exclusively at black film-going audiences, and it was directed by veteran B (and zero budget) movie director William Beaudine, who had, maybe, one of the most extraordinary film directing careers ever, starting out making silent film shorts in 1915, before moving up to low budget feature films, and was still directing TV episodes into the mid-1970’s, with over 370 titles to his credit.

He was known by the nickname “One Shot” Beaudine for his penchant for doing only one take of any scene. How else could he have directed so many films and TV shows? I guess he saved a lot of time.

Anyway, “Ghost” tells the story of two chicken stealing ne’er-do-wells who win a ton of money and a car in a dice game, and wind up in a country club gambling joint run by a con-man who sets out to swindle them.

However, the con man’s dead relatives, who are buried in a nearby cemetery, don’t like what the club has turned into, with all that kneegrow loud music, and noise, coming from the place, disturbing their sleep, and more. So they decide to haunt the joint.

Needless to say, hilarity ensues.

Is it filled with stereotypes and all kinds of non-PC stuff? Absolutely. But I would be lying if I told you that I’m not entertained by “Lucky Ghost” every time I watch it, and even laugh out loud in spots, especially one scene in which one of the ghosts takes over Moreland’s body.

So I leave it to you to watch in full for yourself below: