Missed this last week… but better late than never.

On the weekend of May 20th, 4 indie films with black people in central roles, in front of and/or behind the camera, opened in a limited number of USA theaters – Cost of A Soul, Video Girl, 35 And Ticking, and the documentary Louder Than A Bomb.

So, how did each film do? Well, I’ve only been able to get data on 35 And Ticking, and Louder Than A Bomb via BoxOfficeMojo.com, which states that the the latter opened on 1 screen and managed $3,321 in ticket sales, while the former did a lot better, opening on 6 screens and pulling in $29,775 on opening weekend. Not great numbers for either, but the exposure received from their short theatrical runs might help in ancillary markets.

No word on how Cost of A Soul and Video Girl did. I’ve asked around, but no replies… yet.

I’m also not sure if any of the 4 films even played for a second week. There’s no indication of that. But if you’re involved with any of them and you’ve got the info we need, feel free to contact me directly, or leave a comment with the data.

I did notice that the 35 & Ticking folks set up a page, asking folks to request that the film come to their city. Click HERE if you’re interested.

Anyone manage to see any of these films, and if so, your thoughts?