Elba’s plans for world domination should also see him spending more time in London. BBC2, he tells me, has commissioned him to direct a 90-minute film set in Hackney. “It’s a small tale about a young girl that I’ve been working on for about a year. I’m not writing it, but I’m helping shape the script and hopefully we’ll get to work on it at the end of this year.” He has also produced a British teen-slasher movie, Suicide Kids. And there’s life in Luther yet: both Elba and Cross are keen on the idea of a third series and, given its warm reception in America, the star thinks his complex copper might even make it to the big screen.

From a profile of Idris Elba by the UK’s Independent, dated today. We’ve already mentioned Suicide Kids on this site, so that’s nothing new. However, I think this is the first time I’m hearing about the BBC commissioned feature film he plans to direct, which would be his directorial debut.

And while I think some of us have probably talked amongst ourselves about the possibility of seeing Luther on the big screen, I think this is the first time there’s been any public mention of the idea, by those who are directly involved in the hit TV series.

Take that Alex Cross/Tyler Perry 🙂

You can read the full piece at the Independent’s website HERE.