Firs reported back in February, Idris Elba is one of the stars of Ridley Scott’s super secretive upcoming sci-fi thriller film, Prometheus that may or may not be a prequel to Alien. The film is currently shooting in the UK under strict secrecy, and oh-so very little has been released about its plotline, and its characters. No images, video, nothing.

It’s all been a mystery, except to those who are working on what is expected to be another epic sci-fi work from Sir Ridley Scott, who has described it as “ the story of creation, the gods and the man who stood against them. It’s not a small film; I’m using the giant James Bond 007 stage at Pinewood and six other sound stages to film it,

Figured it all out yet based on that? No? Join the club 🙂

Needless to say, fanboys are extremely excited for a project with an impressive group of actors, namely, in addition to Idris, Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender, Guy Pearce and Noomi Rapace (the original Girl With The Dragon Tatoo), to name a few.

And, thanks to British TV show website CultBox, who spoke to Idris very recently about the movie, we know a little more about his role, and the film than we did before today… but just a little though, so don’t get too excited.

First, Elba revealed:”… I’m playing a captain, I can’t say much more than that, but his name’s Captain Janek.

And second: “There’s a fair amount of special effects in this film, yeah. But, with Ridley, he actually prefers to do it for real. Real locations, real sets, which is really a treat for us actors.

That’s it!!

So what can we extract from any of this? Well, other than what he already said, not much. Ridley Scott really is necessarily one to play the viral web marketing game, so I wouldn’t expect to see any Captain Janek twitter pages suddenly created… or something like that… or should I?

Good to know though that, while there will be computer-generated effects, they’ll be used sparingly, in favor of, as Idris put it, “real locations, real sets;” not a whole bunch of green screen stuff.