So in case you haven’t heard, that little item I wrote yesterday morning regarding the plot details for Quentin Tarantino’s black western Django Unchained, caused quite a buzz throughout the blogosphere all day. I had no idea it would cause such a fuss. I didn’t know that the details of the film were being kept in secret… well that is until I blew the whole thing. We’re been flooded with e-mails from insiders asking us how did we knew about it? Shortly afterward, both the William Morris Agency and The Weinstein Company confirmed that it was all true. That’s just like me to start something. Ain’t I a stinker?

But I did bring up the question of who would play the lead in Tarantino’s film, that of an ex-slave out to save his wife (who’s still being held in slavery), and getting revenge on slave holders? Many of you have and still are posting your suggestions. Both Chiwetel Ejiofor and Anthony Mackie seem to be popular choices. But honestly I see neither of them in the role.

Both are fine actors – no question about that; that Ejiofor always seems to have a rather sensitive and, dare I say it, too intellectual persona. Mackie, I’m sorry, doesn’t have that hard, masculine weight required for the role.

Some have suggested Michael Jai White but I find his masculinity bordering on satirical. Maybe because he was simply too good in Black Dynamite. And someone suggested Forest Whitakerare you kidding?

That leaves us with our main man Idris Elba. And to be honest, I can’t think of anyone else for the role. (Unless they find an unknown who blows Elba out of the water). But regrading Elba, he’s talented (just see him in the TV detective series Luther that was on BBC America if you don’t believe me); he’s definitely got presence (when Idris is on the screen, he’s ON the screen); he’s got that hardcore masculine thing going for him, and you just know he could be one mean badass.

Also, the guy is simply long overdue for a great lead film role that will propel him to the top. Luther, unfortunately, wasn’t seen by enough people, and his lead roles in Daddy Little Girls or Obsessed didn’t do him any favors. And most importantly, playing the lead in Django would be such sweet justice for being replaced by Tyler Perry in that Alex Cross film project. Actually Elba left the project when the original director David Twohy bolted from it; but still the idea of TP replacing Elba in an acting role that practically everyone, even his fans, agree is terribly unsuited for, is… is… I’m sorry; it’s just too horrible to think about it.

So my vote is for Idris. Anyone else agree?