
So much for me thinking this was all just a bad dream… 

News from Comic-Con… during a panel for The Expendables sequel, Arnold Schwarzenegger was asked about the rumored sequel to the … and this was his reply (courtesy of Cinema Blend):

"I think they have moved it along, and Ivan Reitman has shown interest in being involved, universal is excited about it. We are now looking for a great writer to write the sequel, and I"m looking forward to doing it, because I think it will be hilarious."

Maybe… it'll be hilarious and I'm just being a killjoy. But I can think of about a million other projects I'd like to see realized before this one. 

But it's a slamdunk I suppose – a known property, name stars and director, usually equals money in the bank. Though not always.

The original hit comedy that starred Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito and this sequel would reunite the two stars, with the twist being that Eddie Murphy would act as a third brother, and the film would be titled Triplets, as the first two brothers discover that they have third sibling.

I haven't read much of a reaction from Eddie on this, although Arnold and DeVito have been vocal about their interest.